
Here’s The First PlayStation 4 TV Spot (And It’s A Musical)

We’re now officially only one month away from the launch of the PlayStation 4 on November 15. Now it’s time for Sony to start revving up the marketing machine despite the fact that launch PS4 units have been sold out for months now. That’s not going to stop Sony from getting the word out though, especially when that word is expressed through song.

In the first PlayStation 4 TV spot, Sony continues its marketing trend of having normal, everyday gamers taking on the extraordinary roles within their games. In this ad, our two gamers hop and skip across three games – The Elder Scrolls Online, DriveClub and Killzone: Shadow Fall.

In short, it’s a pretty good ad. The singing could have been better, but hey, Sony is highlighting the fact that most gamers are just normal dudes who can’t afford proper singing lessons. It’s much better if we can relate to them, right? After all, I would feel a little intimidated if Sony was selling the PS4 with the voices of opera singers.

While The Elder Scrolls Online won’t be a PS4 launch title, the other two titles on show in the above ad are. If you want to know what else is launching with the PS4, check out this handy list. There’s quite a few to choose from and I can only hope Sony makes another musical ad inspired by some of the other launch games, like Watch Dogs.

[Image: PlayStation/YouTube]