
Here’s How Your Brand Can Get More Out Of Google+

Google recently posted a webinar to YouTube to help brands make more of their Google+ experiences. Here’s the video description:

We’ve seen many brands engage with Google+ users, in fact, brands created over 1 million pages in just a few months. Google+ is a fresh canvas for building and strengthening your digital brand and ties into all the marketing you already do with Google. From launching a new product using Google+ pages to engaging with your community of enthusiasts over Hangouts, join us for a look at ways your company can build its brand using social.

Google+ is showing no signs of slowing growth. The company recently announced that the social destination already has 135 million active users. Since then, Google has only continued to integrate Google+ more into its products, and launched new features for Google+ itself.

Here’s why Guy Kawasaki thinks you should be using Google+.