
Here’s How You’ll Use The DualShock 4 In inFamous: Second Son

Since February, Sony has been touting the advantages of its new DualShock 4 controller for the PlayStation 4. it was designed with gamers in mind, and game developers seem to really like it. The built-in touch pad and speaker present some interesting design ideas for games, but how exactly will core games use all the new features?

In a new video from Gamescom, Sony’s Sucker Punch studio talks about their experience in helping to build the DualShock 4 controller. They were actually one of the first studios to be flown out to Japan to help Sony finalize the design of the controller.

As for inFamous: Second Son itself, Sucker Punch says that they have experimented with all facets of the new controller. They’re using the built-in speaker for more immersion, and it looks like the touch pad may also get some use. The big thing for them, however, are the tighter dead zones on the analog sticks which allows them to provide better movement and aiming.

inFamous: Second Son is still slated for an early 2014 launch.