
Here’s 2 Hours Of Google+ Hangouts Advice

With Google I/O raging on as we speak, Google has been posting a plethora of videos from the conference to YouTube, especially on its GoogleDevelopers channel.

It’s been a big week for Google+, as the social network has been the subject of various announcements. Hangouts, in particular, have gotten a whole lot of attention, thanks to Google’s elaborate presentation involving skydivers hanging out while jumping out of a blimp and wearing Google glass devices.

The following videos may not be quite that thrilling, but for Google+ enthusiasts and developers, as well as those looking to get more out fo the Hangouts feature, these discussions might be for you.

The first is from a Google I/O session, and comes with the following description:

“Make your apps come alive with live audio/video conversations using the Hangouts Platform API. Using the Google+ Hangouts API, you can develop collaborative apps that run inside of a Google+ Hangout. Leave inspired by what you can create with the Hangouts APIs.”

The second is an hour-long discussion with the Google+ Hangouts team.

“Hear the thinking behind Google’s real time strategy and learn how businesses, broadcasters, developers, and families are all using the product,” Google’s description says. “Ever wondered how a hangout on air works? Come to this session to get all your questions answered and learn what’s in store for hangouts in the future.”

Personally, I’d like to hear more about Google’s real time search strategy.

More Google I/O coverage here.