
Health Care Decision: Twitter Reacts With Fervor

In a groundbreaking decision today from the Supreme Court, President Obama’s individual healthcare mandate was voted to be upheld 5-4. The mandate will require everyone to buy health insurance or face a fine, including employers who have over 50 employees.

The controversial law–which would see non-health insurance holders pay about a 1% tax as a penalty–will make Medicaid available to over 16 million people and will strike out the pre-existing condition rule long held by health care providers, including in regards to children. Since word got out about Obama’s plan two years ago, it has been a huge note of contention among lawmakers and citizens alike, with one side arguing it violates our constitutional rights by forcing us to purchase a product against our will and the other side arguing the merits of the law. Obama’s main argument is that almost everyone will already be covered by either individual insurance or Medicaid anyway, with a very small percentage of people being affected by the tax penalty.

The news has had Twitter in an uproar, with both sides letting loose in their feeds about the possible consequences of the mandate. And, unfortunately for one CNN reporter–who falsely announced that the law had been struck down–Twitter users are sharing a rather embarrassing gaffe.