
Hannah Davis Not Bothered By Bikini Controversy

Hannah Davis thinks that the outcry over her controversial Sports Illustrated cover is “silly”.

Hannah Davis was honored to be on the legendary cover, but many say her pose crosses a line.

She is in a bikini, of course, but she seems to be in the midst of pulling down her bottoms.

Is it a little racier than normal? Maybe. But does it cross a line?

Hannah Davis says this is pretty standard for SI‘s swimsuit issue.

Thank you to my @si_swimsuit and @imgmodels family! I am honored to be your 2015 cover girl! Wow!! #SISwim

A photo posted by Hannah Davis (@hanni_davis) on

“There’s controversy every year, so I think it’s kind of just silly that they’re making it out to be the big thing; I mean it’s the swimsuit issue,” Hannah Davis said.

She added, “There are far more scandalous pictures in the magazine if you open it up. It’s a girl in a bikini, and I think it’s empowering; I’ve been hearing it’s degrading. I think the people who are saying that aren’t feminists, because I think when you’re a woman and you look at that picture and if you overanalyze it as anything more than just a full picture, it’s just silly to me.”

Gotta love my job when I get to shoot at home! @joshrotten #USVI #islandbaby

A photo posted by Hannah Davis (@hanni_davis) on

Hannah Davis went on Today to talk with Matt Lauer about the photo.

The show had prudently covered Hannah Davis’ almost exposed lady bits with a red ribbon, but when Hannh Davis was asked if they were being prudent or prudes, she said they were making more of it than it is.

“I think you’re making it look a lot naughtier than it really is to be honest,” Hannah Davis said.

Great morning with @iamsteveharveytv at the @TodayShow, thank you for having me! #SISwim @si_swimsuit

A photo posted by Hannah Davis (@hanni_davis) on

She added, “To be honest, I think SI always tries to do something a little different every year, and I think this year, it’s the year of the torso.”

What do you think? Do you agree with Hannah Davis that this cover is just business as usual for SI‘s swimsuit issue, or do you think the photo crossed the line?