
Halle Berry Gets Anti-Paparazzo Bill Passed

Halle Berry won a long, hard-fought battle on Tuesday when a bill was passed concerning the paparazzi and their harassment of a minor who has famous parents.

The law, known as Bill 606, states that anyone convicted of harassing a celebrity’s child can spend up to a year in jail and can be fined anywhere from $10,000-$30,000 depending on the number of offenses. Berry has been working on getting the law passed since she became mom to 5-year old Nahla and began to fear for her daughter’s safety when they were in public together.

“I started this fight with a great deal of hope and a bit of uncertainty so I cannot express my immense gratitude that Governor Brown has recognized, and acted to remedy, the plight of children who are tormented because of the identity or prominence of their parents,” said Berry. “On behalf of my children, it is my hope that this is the beginning of the end for those overly aggressive paparazzi whose outrageous conduct has caused so much trauma and emotional distress. This started as just a hope and a wish for my daughter. I never thought that I could take it this far and find such amazing partners along the way.”

Berry, who is expecting a son with husband Oliver Martinez, has quite a bit of support on her side from other celeb moms, including Adele and Jennifer Garner, and acknowledged them in a statement this week.

“I’m grateful to Nia Vardalos and the numerous parents who work as actors, musicians, as well as professionals in medicine, mental health, lawyers, judges, and cops who have experienced their children being harassed, tormented or otherwise put in dangerous situations due to their parent’s profession and therefore lent their support,” she said.

Image: Wikimedia Commons