
Hackers Break Into Banks And Steal 60 Million Euros

McAfee and Guardian Analytics released a joint report today saying that more than 60 firms have suffered from what it has called an “insider level of understanding.” The automated malicious software program was discovered and it was designed to use servers to process thousands of attempted thefts from both businesses and private individuals.

“The fraudsters’ objective in these attacks is to siphon large amounts from high balance accounts, hence the name chosen for this research – Operation High Roller,” the report said. “If all of the attempted fraud campaigns were as successful as the Netherlands example we describe in this report, the total attempted fraud could be as high as 2 billion euro.”

What makes this crime so different is that the hackers were able to get into the bank servers and install constructed software that is automated. Because it is on the inside, it is able to get around the normal alarms that alert the system of abnormalities and do its job. Which is to siphon money out of large accounts.

MacAfee has identified a bunch of servers being used for this crime. “They have identified 60 different servers, many of them in Russia, and they have identified one alone that has been used to steal 60 million euro,” Sky News defense and security editor Sam Kiley said.

The 60 million euros that have been taken are all that has been identified so far, but this has the ability to be one of the largest thefts of money in the history of the world.