
GTA V Trailer Unleashed, No Release Date Announced

About a week ago, Rockstar Games revealed the existence of Grand Theft Auto 5. Along with the reveal, they also provided a release date for the announcement trailer. Today is that day, and we get our first sneak peek at the next entry in the ground-breaking GTA series.

You can watch it below:

Twitter has reacted to the news, with most people excited about the return to Los Santos, representative of Los Angeles. It looks like the landscapes will go beyond the city, and will encompass San Andreas, like the fifth installment in the series.

#GTAV looks incredible! I’m guessing the “V” also stands for “Vinewood”? Grand Theft Auto V – Trailer – 11/02/11 – http://t.co/8pDkHOGu 1 minute ago via Tweet Button · powered by @socialditto

@RockstarGames: #GTAV TRAILER. http://t.co/dyHp3TyG. ENJOY.” Looks like we’re going back to San Andreas, y’all. 1 minute ago via Twitter for iPhone · powered by @socialditto

check out the #GTAV trailer here http://t.co/ybVzRXYA they did a super good job at recreating iconic places in LA. Venice, Hwood, downtown 3 minutes ago via TweetDeck · powered by @socialditto

I was scribbling notes as I was watching the trailer, and discovered a few interesting tidbits.

– The game already looks extremely beautiful, proven by the screenshot from below:

GTAV screenshot

– There looked to be a heavy emphasis on the beach, and the water. Showed off some amazing water physics.

– “Pleasure Pier” will be one of the locations in the game, perhaps based on the famous Santa Montica pier.

– Looks to be a massive wind farm in the game. If you pause on the zoomed in part of the turbine, you can see some incredibly detailed textures.

– Little Seoul, and Los Puerta will be locations. Shown by freeway exits.

– The game looks to take place in modern times, unlike the original San Andreas game which played off the L.A. scene from the early 90’s.

– The narration of the main character made it seem as though the main character will be gruff, and an actual family man. Talked about taking care of his family. UPDATE: Many believe the voice actor is Ray Liotta, who voiced Tommy Vercetti in GTA: Vice City. The trailer zooms in on an older character, who could possibly be Vercetti.

– There were mentions of house foreclosures, and a distinct dichotomy between the “haves” and “have-nots”. Perhaps playing off the recent downturn in the economy.

Unfortunately, there was no release date announced. However, the game already looks extremely beautiful. Especially the scenes of the rolling hills, and water based shots.