
Grocery Store Starts “Man Aisle”

Apparently some dudes who own a grocery store on the Upper West Side put their heads together recently and came up with a wacky–and not surprisingly, successful–idea: create an aisle filled with stuff only men would buy, all placed conveniently together because, as studies show, men don’t do the majority of the shopping for households. They want to get in and get out.

The guys in charge–Ian Joskowitz and George Zoitas–said the aisle is a big draw for guys who come in only needing a few manly essentials, like shaving cream, BBQ sauce, and beer.

“If you’re going to have some guys over to watch a game, you can pretty much stand here — not move two feet — and get your beer, barbecue sauce, chips, whatever. It’s all right here!” Joskowitz said.

While the duo insists that the aisle’s success has to do with the fact that men “don’t like taking lists when they go shopping”, I’m sure women would totally be down for something similar. It would be impossible, however, as you can’t cram an entire store into one aisle. Not to say that some men never do a full shopping trip–my own hubs is great about it–but those studies don’t lie. A less-than-stellar 31% of shoppers are men (according to a poll done by ESPN), leaving us women to bear the burden of figuring out meals and dodging those pushy free-sample ladies.

What I’d really like to see in grocery stores is a cart big enough for an infant carrier, my insanely huge mommy-purse, and all the Bon-Bons I’m required to consume as a card-carrying woman.