The Gregg Allman biopic, Midnight Rider, was filming along a bridge in February when a train plowed through the film crew, killing Sarah Jones. Jones was a 27-year-old camera assistant.
Her parents, Richard and Elizabeth Jones of Columbia, South Carolina, sued Unclaimed Freight Productions, Inc., Rayonier Fibers, LLC, CSX railroad, and several others.
That lawsuit was settled Wednesday, however the terms of the settlement have not been disclosed.
Gregg Allman was originally named in the lawsuit, but it was determined that he had little to do with the film. He only licensed the rights to his memoir, My Cross To Bear.
Gregg Allman’s lawyer, David W. Long-Daniels, released a statement right after Allman was named in the suit back in May.
He said, “While the lawsuit filed this week by the Jones family was expected, the inclusion of my client is unfortunate, unwarranted and without merit. Mr. Allman simply provided an option to acquire motion picture rights to his life story and his autobiography.”
Gregg Allman’s attorney continued, “It is undisputed from the testimony at the recent court hearing that Mr. Allman and his representative did not have any knowledge that ‘live people [would be] on a live train track.’”
The crew went onto the railroad bridge spanning the Altamaha River to shoot footage after CSX railroad denied them permission.
After the tragic accident, Gregg Allman sent Midnight Rider director Randall Miller a letter insisting that, under the circumstances, filming be discontinued.
He wrote, “While there may have been a possibility that the production might have resumed shortly after that, the reality of Sarah Jones’ tragic death, the loss suffered by the Jones family and injuries to the others involved has led me to realize that for you to continue production would be wrong.”
Hopefully, the parents of Sarah Jones can now find some closure. What do you think? Did Gregg Allman do the right thing by asking that his biopic be canned?