
Government Shutdown: What to Expect


Since Congress was unable to agree on the fiscal near-future, it’s looking likely that the government will grind to a screeching halt.

As complex as the process is, and as unpredictable as it may be (Congress may reach a last-minute agreement unbeknownst to the public), government programs have begun to identify areas that need to remain in operation. Any workers not responsible for life or property will keep working, but will not be paid until the shutdown is resolved.

CNN Money reported a large series of updates today about the potential effects of the government shutdown:

•Military service members will see a paycheck delay, although all active-duty military and reserve personnel will remain working.
•Temporary duty travel will be canceled unless its related to the war in Afghanistan or connected to the safety of life, protection of property, or maintaining foreign relations.
•Families of service members who died in the line of duty will not receive benefits until the shutdown is resolved.
•Essential civilian defense personnel will keep working, but non-essential personnel will be furloughed without pay unless their salary isn’t funded by appropriations.
•Museums and zoos run by the federal government will be closed, and tourists will be turned away.
•The housing department will be furloughed; thus, FHA loans may be delayed.
•The Department of Housing and Urban Development will furlough 96 percent of its workforce.
•Employees whose jobs are not funded by federal appropriations will keep working, alongside presidential appointees.
•The Federal Courts will remain open for approximately 10 business days; all proceedings and deadlines will remain unaffected unless otherwise indicated.
•The Department of Justice will furlough 15 percent of its workforce.
•The Department of Health and Human Services will furlough 52 percent of its workforce; hardest hit will be the Administration for Children and Families, the Administration for Community Living and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
•The Center for Disease Control will maintain a minimal amount of staff required to oversee outbreak investigations, protect lab samples and staff the 24/7 emergency operations center.
•The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will continue to implement the Affordable Healthcare Act (popularly known as Obamacare) and that Medicare will largely remain uninterrupted.
•Chemical spill investigations will be halted, as the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board will furlough 37 of 40 staff members.
•NASA will keep enough employees on to verify the safety of crews on the International Space Station and continue in-progress satellite missions. All other NASA activity will virtually cease.

In addition, USA Today has a fantastic Q-and-A session regarding the shutdown, which you can check out here.

[Image via an 11-second HD YouTube video of the Capitol Building]