
Google Windows Phone App Gets New Features

Google announced a new update for its Google Search App for Windows 7.5 phones today. The new features are: autocomplete, voice search and “my location”.

My Location, if you’re not familiar, is the feature that tells Google your location so it can provide results based on that. If you search for “mexican food,” for example, you should get results showing Meixcan restaurants in your general vicinity.

The other two features are self-explanatory (OK, maybe My Location is too).

These are pretty standard features, and for users of other platforms are probably things being taken mostly for granted, but today’s release shows that Google hasn’t forgotten the Windows Phone platform completely.

The new app is available in the Windows Marketplace. It’s available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, and German.

Google windows phone with autocomplete

The reviews so far are generally positive. The negatives are mainly that the app should do other things in addition to these things, and implying that it was hardly worth using before the addition of these features.

Earlier this week, Google added a new Recent icon to Google search on Android devices and iPhones.