
Google+ Updates Mobile App Features

For most people who use social media, keeping up with statuses and trending topics is most important while on the go. Mobile apps have made this possible for smartphone users, but not every app is user-friendly; some of them freeze up unexpectedly or don’t have the same functionality as the desktop version.

Google is working hard to keep up-to-date with their apps, however, and have just updated their Google+ feature for iOS, Android, and Blackberry. Google APM Tom Charytoniuk posted on his own Google+ page about the update, saying the design is newer and cleaner and is supported in 60 locales.

In January, Charytoniuk talked about two new features on the mobile version of Google+: “With What’s Hot, you can now see some of the most interesting content being shared on Google+ with a flick of your thumb. To use it, just swipe to the right of your Circles stream. To see who +1’d a post in the stream, just click on the +1 count underneath the post. It’s a small improvement that makes it easier to engage with others around content.”

If you run into any problems with the new mobile version, you can report them and give feedback by selecting “Send Feedback” from the gear menu on the home screen.