
Google Turns Off The TV Ads In Favor Of Other Ad Products

Google is shutting down Google TV Ads. The company announced as much in a blog post Thursday night.

“Our goal is to provide all our customers with the best digital marketing opportunities,” said Google’s Shishir Mehrotra. “In 2007, we launched Google TV Ads in AdWords to bring digital buying and measurement technologies to traditional TV advertising. Since then, lots of our clients have bought traditional TV advertising for the first time.”

“However, video is increasingly going digital and users are now watching across numerous devices,” added Mehrotra. “So we’ve made the hard decision to close our TV Ads product over the next few months and move the team to other areas at Google. We’ll be doubling down on video solutions for our clients (like YouTube, AdWords for Video, and ad serving tools for web video publishers). We also see opportunities to help users access web content on their TV screens, through products like Google TV.

And let’s not forget Google’s’ ambitious service provider project Google Fiber. Google still has ways of getting into your living room, for sure.

Google will continue to support its TV Ads partners and clients’ campaigns as it shuts the product down.

Perhaps the whole thing is a statement from Google that traditional TV is soon to be a thing of the past.