
Google Talks Content API For Shopping Testing

Only a few days after Google pushed the Hangout for the Content API for Shopping, they’re back again with another Hangout from just last week. This week’s Hangout focuses on a slew of new questions for the Content API team. If you’re using the Content API for Shopping to run a business, you’re going to want to check the 41 minute Hangout.

The first question that the team spends quite a bit of time on is how to test the Content API. They point out that it’s not good to run the API without testing before you start to service consumers. The team goes into a checklist of things that developers need to get ready with the API before they start to sell content.

Another reveal is that Google will release a Content API developer’s guide for PHP and .NET in the near future. There are already Java and Python developer guides available because most people are probably programming in those languages. He says that the .NET was delayed not because of any dislik for it, but because he’s not as fluent in .NET as he is in other languages.

The team also talkes in length about batch requests in the Content API. They discuss the limitations of batch requests and the reasoning why they can’t increase the size of requests in the API. They also discuss rate limits.

All these questions and more are discussed in this edition of the Content API for Shopping Hangout. There’s a lot of good information here. I personally think it’s far more informative than the last one, but that’s because the team can actually provide solid answers this time around. The last Hangout had a lot of vague questions that were returned with vague answers.