
Google Talks About Phone Number Spam Again

Nearly a year ago, Google’s Matt Cutts took to Google+ to discuss phone number spam.

“I wanted to clarify a quick point: when people search for a phone number and land on a page like the one below, it’s not really useful and a bad user experience. Also, we do consider it to be keyword stuffing to put so many phone numbers on a page,” he said. “There are a few websites that provide value-add for some phone numbers, e.g. sites that let people discuss a specific phone number that keeps calling them over and over. But if a site stuffs a large number of numbers on its pages without substantial value-add, that can violate our guidelines, not to mention annoy users.”

This is the image he was referring to:

Phone Number Spam

Today, Google released its latest Webmaster Help video, which features Cutts talking about the subject once again. It’s short and sweet, and basically serves as a reminder that Google will take action on this kind of thing: