We brought a story this morning of a team who is now making $1,000 a day from using Microsoft’s pubCenter. While the story was more indicative of the success one can find on Microsoft’s mobile platform; the other lesson can not be ignored – mobile advertising has become increasingly important for app creators.
To that end, Google has released version 6.0 of the AdMob SDK today for Android and iOS. The goal is to “reduce the complexity that app devs are managing, freeing them up to focus on continuing to grow their great app into a great app business.”
Those aren’t empty words either as the features showing up in this new version seem to really do the trick when it comes to creating better ads for both creators and consumers. The first of which is the new ability to use multiple ad networks with AdMob. The best part about the AdMob Ad Network Mediation is that its free. Any developer can “allocate inventory across many top 3rd party ad networks on a country-by-country basis.”
The next feature will certainly be helpful for developers, but it will also be a great improvement for end users like me who demand that ad banners fill in the whole space they occupy. It’s annoying to have ads pop up in the Cracked Lite reader that don’t fill the entire space. This new application makes sure that ad banners automatically fill the space they’ve been assigned to regardless of the screen’s size. Check out the AdMob dev site for the knowledge needed to utilize these new ad banners.
In what perhaps may be the best news for developers is that AdMob SDK 6.0 is MRAID (Mobile Rich Media Ad Interface Definitions) compliant. MRAID is a “common API for mobile rich media ads running in mobile apps.” This will introduce a standard set of commands for developers who want to create media ads. It also makes it so that these type of ads can be displayed on the same app across platforms, regardless of network.
As a final aside, the iOS version of AdMob SDK no longer supports the universal device identifier. Google is working on a solution for the time being that will “benefit users, app developers and advertisers.”
You can hit up the official site for AdMob to download the newest version right now for Android and iOS. Unfortunately, the Windows Phone 7 version of AdMob is still at version 4.0.4. Who knows when it will catch up, but I’m sure Google is working on a solution.