
Google Panda Update: Tweak Launched November 18

Google tweeted out sometime on Friday that there was a tweak to Panda that affects less than 1% of searches. Here’s the tweet, in the form of a “weather report”:

Tiny weather report: Minor Panda algorithm data refresh (affects <1% of searches). Context from Feb: http://t.co/uNvE7tJZ 2 days ago via web · powered by @socialditto

As to be expected, webmasters are seeing some ups and downs from the tweak. There’s a bit of discussion about it going on in the Webmaster World forum. User Falsepositive said today, “Got a big bump yesterday and today. But not sure if it’s temporary and will be the Panda rise before the crash.”

User ChalkyWhite says, “I’m seeing slight recovery today, up about 20% on a normal day..fingers crossed.”

Sem4u says, “I have seen some dramatic drops for some of the long tail keywords that I monitor. I have also seen some good movement upwards for a couple of the core keywords that I look at.”

At PubCon recently, Google talked about being more transparent and announcing algorithm changes, and it looks like the company is making good on that promise. They certainly do seem to be getting better at that in general.

Have you seen any changes since this latest tweak? Positive or Negative?