
Google Names Another Country Where Mobile Searches Have Overtaken Desktop

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Last month, Google casually noted in a blog post that mobile searches have overtaken desktop searches in ten countries including the United States and Japan. It didn’t elaborate on what the other countries were.

Now, Google has mentioned another country by name. You can add the United Kingdom to that list. Matt Jackson at SocialMediaToday reports:

During a presentation at London Tech Week, Google’s Eileen Naughton said that not only are more searches conducted on UK mobile devices than on UK desktops, but that more UK YouTube searches were also conducted on mobile devices.

The YouTube part is interesting as well, as Google hasn’t mentioned that before when talking about this subject, at least to my knowledge.

The growing mobile search trend obviously illustrates why Google has put so much emphasis on websites being mobile-friendly and begun taking app indexing into account when ranking search results.

The world is going mobile, and websites that don’t follow are going to be left behind. A recent study found that the mobile-friendly update bumped down about half of pages it threatened to, but it’s still early days. It’s not as if mobile-friendliness is going to become less of a factor going forward.

Image via Google