
Google Motorola Deal Review Suspended By European Commission

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The European Commission has suspended the provisional deadline for its review of Google’s proposed acquisition of Motorola Mobility.

Bloomberg obtained comment from both the Commission and from Google. A spokesperson for the Commission said the review will continue after it’s btained certain documents that “are essential to its evaluation of the transaction”.

Google’s Al Verney is quote as saying, “We’re confident the commission will conclude that this acquisition is good for competition and we’ll be working closely and cooperatively with them as they continue their review.”

Deadline Suspended

This comes as Google faces further scrutiny from the European Commission. Earlier this month, the commission was reported to be serving Google a 400-page document discussing complaints about the company’s competitive practices. More on that here.

The price of Google’s proposed acquisition of Motorola Mobility for is $12.5 billion.

On the subject of Google and Motorola, Verizon released the new Motorola Droid Xyboard tablets today, running Google’s Android operating system.