
Google Maps Now Identifies Stores Located In Malls, Office Buildings

Google is really taking the fun out of getting lost these days. If you don’t like getting lost, then consider this a good thing for you.

Following their recent decision to include maps of indoor facilities in their Maps app, Google announced today that it will now Google+LatLong%29″>provide the overarching locations of a certain destination so you’ll know ahead of time if the place you’re traveling to isn’t a stand-alone store. For example, let’s say you’re searching for a cute Donald Duck hat for your nephew this Christmas and want to check out the nearby Disney Store. You search for the Disney Store in your city and will see a more detailed result like this:

You’ll notice that you now see the name of the actual buildings – in this case, the malls’ names – that the nearby Disney Stores are located. This should save you some nervous rubber-necking for the physical address on buildings as you’re cruising along to your destination. If you’re curious about what other treasures of commerce might be located in the mall of your Disney Store choice, you can click on the name of the mall to bring up a list of other stores within the same location.

Although the new feature is live today, it doesn’t include all locations in the U.S. (no mention is made about anywhere outside of the U.S. yet). With the Christmas shopping season about to hit critical levels of crazy in the coming weeks, hopefully this new option will alleviate any undue stress for you last-minute shoppers. But even if you don’t need this accessory immediately, the function is a permanent addition to the Maps app so you may find it helpful for easily finding places located in office buildings or airport terminals.