
Google Launches New Google+ Plugins For Websites

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Google announced the launch of some new Google+ plugins for websites today. These include a new follow button, a new badge for communities, and updated badges for pages and profiles.

The new follow button lets users follow you from your site, so they they can add you to their circles.

“The Follow button is simple to add to your website. In fact, if you’ve already installed the +1 button, no new JavaScript is required,” says Google+ product manager Raj Iyengar. “Just configure the plugin, add the markup to your page, and you’re all set.”

Google Plus Follow

Also new is the communities badge, which lets community managers showcase their communities on their sites.

“When visitors click the ‘Preview’ button they’ll see your community page in a new browser tab,” says Iyengar. “From there they can view recent posts (subject to your community’s privacy settings), as well as join. Returning to your site is as simple as closing the new tab.”

Community Badge

The old Page and Profile badges are now more customizable, with portrait/landscape options, light/dark themes and on/off toggles for things like cover photo and tagline.

New profile badges

Existing badges will remain available for ninety days, giving webmasters time to configure the new versions. After that, they’ll be automatically upgraded. Additionally, +1 and Share buttons around the web will be automatically updated with a new look.