
Google Is Struggling With Long Queries

Google is currently unable to process search queries past a certain length. If you reach that threshold, you’ll be greeted by a 414 error, with the message, “The requested URL/… is too large to process. That’s all we know.”

Search Engine Roundtable reported on the issue after noticing a Google Web Search Help forum thread. Google addressed the issue in the thread, saying, “Thanks for reporting this issue. We’re aware that this has been happening and are working on a solution.”

I”m not sure what the exact character count is, but I tried pasting in a paragraph of text, and it worked fine. Two paragraphs, however, were too much.

Why would you want to search for such a long query? Well, it is a good way to see all of the other sites who are scraping an article or straight up plagiarizing it.

It doesn’t appear to make a difference in what international Google site you use. The error occurs regardless.