
Google Is Being More Careful With Your Password

Google put out its monthly list of algorithm changes today. There were 50 changes in all, though technically not every single one of them is related to the Google algorithm.

There was an interesting changes listed related to users’ passwords. Google says:

Better handling of password changes. Our general approach is that when you change passwords, you’ll be signed out from your account on all machines. This change ensures that changing your password more consistently signs your account out of Search, everywhere.

Given all of the hubbub over Google privacy lately (mainly due to the company’s consolidation of it policies into one main one), this is probably a welcome change for many users. Granted, it’s probably significantly overdue.

Privacy has actually been a huge focal point of Google’s lately, even beyond those policy changes. Here are a bunch of videos of privacy discussion taken from Google’s Big Tent events.

The company has indicated it will add a “Do Not Track” button to Chrome, in response to the Federal Trade Commission’s recent report on consumer privacy.

Interestingly enough, a Googler posted results to a survey this week indicating that “nobody wants to be tracked online“.

Last month, Google expanded encrypted search as the default mode for signed in users on a worldwide basis.