comScore released its March 2014 U.S. Smartphone Subscriber Market Share report on Friday. You can delve into that here, but given all the talk about Google+ dying lately, there’s one takeaway here that directly contradicts that.
Google+ has made the list of the top 15 apps (hat tip to Greg Sterling).
These are supposedly the top fifteen smartphone apps in the U.S. Google +’s share is just below Twitter’s, which is only a couple percentage points below iTunes Radio/iCloud. While it’s way below Facebook’s 75%, the fact that it even appears on the list seems to suggest that it’s worth Google keeping it around.
A couple weeks ago, Google’s Vic Gundotra, who ran Google+, announced that he is leaving the company. After that, reports came out that Google would focus its attention away from Google+ as a product, and move team members from it to other projects. Google has said that its Google+ strategy is not changing, and at least one Googler said flat out that no team members were moving.
Since then, Google has been spotted testing a new login button that drops the Google+ in favor of signing in with just plain Google. It has also started requiring Google Partners users to have Google+ accounts.
Image via comScore