
Google Introduces ‘Gmail Shelfie’ For April Fools’ Day

Google has already started with this year’s April Fools’ silliness. On the Gmail blog, they announced “Gmail Shelfie,” a way to turn your Gmail background into a selfie, and share it with your friends and family.

Software engineer Greg Bullock writes:

You all love setting selfies as your custom theme in Gmail, but you’ve told us there’s one major problem: there isn’t a way to share your selfie with others. As the pioneering platform for selfies, Gmail is committed to being at the forefront of innovation in the selfie space. And we think it’s a tragedy that your handsome hair, luscious lashes and beautiful brows have been trapped in your own inbox. Until now, that is. Today, we’re proud to free your selfies by launching Gmail Shelfie, the SHareable sELFIE.

Gmail Shelfie is built on the idea that you shouldn’t be selfish with your selfie. With just a few clicks, your mom, your aunt, or that girl you have a crush on can set your Shelfie as their Gmail theme so they can enjoy checking, reading, and writing emails while seeing your friendly face in the background.

Here are a couple “trending” shelfies:

There will be plenty more of this stuff from Google tomorrow, I’m sure.

April 1st just happens to be the ten-year anniversary of when Google first released Gmail in beta. It would appear that the product was not an April Fools’ joke.

Image via Gmail blog