
Google Integrates Hangouts Into Gmail


Google wants to make your video communications within Gmail even better. Starting today, they’re rolling out Google+ Hangouts integration which, according to them, will “deliver higher reliability and enhanced quality” to your chats.

From the Gmail blog:

Unlike the old video chat, which was based on peer-to-peer technology, Hangouts utilize the power of Google’s network to deliver higher reliability and enhanced quality. You’ll be able to chat with all the same people you did before and, in fact, with Hangouts you’ll now be able to reach them not only when they are using Gmail but also if they are on Google+ in the browser or on their Android or iOS devices.

With Hangouts within Gmail, you’ll be able to video chat with up to nine people, as well as utilize all of the same Hangouts functions that you can within Google+ like Google Docs collaborations and YouTube viewing parities.

Google says that the integration is rolling out today, and should appear for all Gmail users within the next few weeks.

If you’re a frequent user of Gmail video chat, this will most likely be a vast improvement to your Gmail experience. Hopefully, this is just the start of Google making some nice upgrades to their email client – they recently acquired popular email app Sparrow, which signifies that some big changes could be on the way.