
Google India Talks Cloud For Businesses

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Google India held a conference last week called, “Think Cloud 2012.” It saw 50 CIOs from some of India’s largest companies to learn about the benefits of moving their applications and business to the Cloud.

While the conference was held in India and was targeting Indian businesses, the talk can be applied to any business. Google talked about the trends they’re seeing over the next year that’s going to transform how companies do business. The three major trends according to Google are mobile, social and cloud. Mobile is obviously being spearheaded by Android with Google+ taking up the social effort. As for cloud, Google Apps is leading the charge in the company’s strategy.

The video below has a video demo of how Google Apps for business is changing the way businesses interact with the cloud and technology. It’s an interesting look at how Google is hoping to transform business around the world. It’s apparently working as well with Google claiming a number of Indian businesses are now using their services.

Check out the video below to see the future of cloud and Google Apps: