
Google Guns Brings Tank Warfare To Google Maps

Update 2: The game is back up under a different title.

Update: The game has now been removed due to apparent copyright violation. More here.

Designer Walewijn den Boer has created a game called Google Guns, which brings a little combat-style tank warfare to Google Maps. You can enter any address into the search box, and use that real life location as the setting for your battle.

Google Guns

“Feeling a bit too peaceful after the holiday season? Fear not, Walewijn den Boer has made an application that lets you transform any place on Earth into a virtual battleground, using Google Maps’ awesome new 45 degree angle view. Real-life fighting is soooo 2012!” says den Boer in a Facebook post.

“Why waste precious human lives in 2013?” says the Google Guns site. “Using this application you can let pixels do the fighting!”

It then goes on to suggest the following battlefields: Google HQ, The tower of Pisa, Somewhere near Lyon, Newcastle, The Vatican, Coimbra, Portugal, Oberhausen, A baseball field in Canada, The airport, The golf course, A construction site.

To play the game, you simply click the direction you want your tank to movie, and click the other tanks to shoot them.

[via Geeks.Have.Landed by way of reddit]