
Google Forms Adds New Functionality

Google is launching some new features for Google Forms, which it says will enhance the user experience, particularly for students, educators, and professionals.

Users can now use templates from the Google Forms home screen. There are templates for custom feedback, event sign-ups, quizzes, etc.

You can also now get real-time email notifications when someone responds to your form.

“In addition to the summary of responses currently available in the Forms editor, you can now see individual survey responses as well,” a spokesperson for Google says. “This will save you valuable time when analyzing your Forms. You can also print or delete individual responses from this screen.”

“Now, if you are a Google Apps for Work or Education user, you can get a quick overview of who has responded to your form and who you are still waiting for responses from in the summary of responses,” the spokesperson adds. “Use the ‘Send reminder email’ feature to remind just those who haven’t already responded to your form.”

Finally, users can use add-ons and edit scripts in the new Forms editor.

Image via Google