
Google Exec Page Turned to Chinese

Something fishy is going on. If you Google+Executives”>search for "Google executives" on an English-language version of Google, you may get a link to http://www.google.com/corporate/execs.html, which would be Google’s page where it has profiles for its executives (go figure). However, you may also notice that the text appears in Chinese characters.

As you probably know by now, this week, Google began redirecting its Chinese search engine to its Hong Kong site, where it remains uncensored. Reports indicate that the Chinese government is not too fond of this decision.

Google Execs Page Turned to Chinese language Guardian, who appears to be the first to have reported on the issue of the exec page, asks, "Has Google Been Hacked?" They also say they’ve informed Google of the issue, and a spokesperson for the company confirmed the issue’s existence, saying they are "now investigating" it.

That’s not exactly coming out and saying they’ve been hacked, but there is certainly plenty of room for speculation, as their has been around the Google/China situation at large since Google’s original announcement about the attacks in January.

It’s worth noting that if you go to Google.com, and follow the links: About Google > Corporate Info > Management, you will get to a similar page that is all in English. The URL, however, is slightly different: http://www.google.com/intl/en/corporate/execs.html.