
Google & DudaMobile: Powerful Mobile Ads

office tech trends

Google is investing heavily based on the fact that half of all Americans are now using smartphones. They claim that if you’re not advertising on a mobile platform, than you are losing up to 40% of your business to competitors who are. They want to help you with this.

They recently partnered with DudaMobile, an inventor of mobile advertising solutions, to offer Google fans some great tools to design their mobile marketing campaigns. They’ve made it easy for you to transform your current online advertising efforts into mobile-friendly versions.

They are going to demonstrate the new mobile tools on Thursday May, 10th at 1pm EST on the “Think with GoogleGoogle+ page. Just click to enter the live stream. Should be an interesting hangout and you’ll probably learn something.

The other good news is that they are looking for volunteers for the demonstration. So your ads could be featured in the hangout. So if that sounds good to you, click here to sign up for a chance to work with DudMobile’s chief marketing officer, Dennis Mink.

If you’re still not convinced take a look at this graph of DudaMobile’s Internal Data from Q4 2011:

(Article Picture courtesy of DudaMobile)