Google Doodle Guy Interviews “Brave” Director Mark Andrews, Doodle Team LOVES Pixar

Google has uploaded an hour-long video of its Google Doodle Creative Lead, Ryan Germick, speaking with Brave Director Mark Andrews. The conversation covers the film, as well as Andrews’ career a...
Google Doodle Guy Interviews “Brave” Director Mark Andrews, Doodle Team LOVES Pixar
Written by Chris Crum

Google has uploaded an hour-long video of its Google Doodle Creative Lead, Ryan Germick, speaking with Brave Director Mark Andrews. The conversation covers the film, as well as Andrews’ career at Pixar.

According to Germick, the entire Google Doodle team is made up of Pixar sycophants, and they love everything Pixar does.

The talk itself took place on June 19, as part of Google’s Artists at Google series.

Brave hits theaters in the U.S. today. Here’s the trailer:

It just also happens that Google is also currently running a doodle (Alan Turing).

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