
Google Does Some Overdue Buzz Branding with New Buttons

Google has introduced some new Buzz buttons for content providers to use. There are buttons to allow users to share content through Buzz without leaving the site they’re on, and buttons that easily allow a reader to follow a publication on Buzz.

So far, sites have had to make their own buttons, which have been tied to Google Reader, but now anyone can go here and simply create their own Buzz Buttons that Buzz user can use (even if they don’t use Google Reader).

Google Buzz Buttons

"A number of sharing platforms, including ShareThis, Meebo, Shareholic, AddThis and AddtoAny have also incorporated the Google Buzz button into their sharing functionality, so you’ll see Buzz listed as a choice when you go to share something on many other sites around the web as well," notes Product Manager Mussie Shorek.

If you want to create a "Post to Buzz" button, you can pick the style (choose from three options), location of post count (top or side), language, URL to post, and image to post (can be customized). Google will then give you the proper code to add.

You can then test the button by reloading the page you put it on, making sure it shows up, and clicking to see the posting box users will see. You can also customize the parameters in the URL that shows up for the landing page.

For the "Follow on Buzz" button, just plug in your profile URL, and you’ll get the code to add it.

The release of these buttons could actually be a significant factor in keeping the "buzz" going around Buzz. If more site adopt them, which they likely will since they don’t have to create them, more people are going to see them and it could be huge for the branding of the service. Buzz could probalby use that. Some people are already calling it a flop.