
Google Details Google+ Tablet App Redesign

Before Sergey Brin interrupted the Google+ presentation during the opening keynote for Google I/O, the Google+ team was discussing the redesign of the app for tablets. Besides a short look at how the tablet app features a new photo stream, we weren’t really made privy to all the design changes. Thanks to the Google blog, we now have a bit more information.

Like during the keynote, Google talked up the major mobile redesign of Google+ that hit iOS and Android smartphones a few weeks ago. This led to more people using Google+ on mobile than they did on desktop so Google wanted to capitalize on this with a native tablet app.

The tablet app brings the best that the iOS and Android app brought to the table, but with a few new redesign choices that help make the most of the tablet. Here’s what Google has brought to the tablet app:

  • A beautiful stream that styles content based on popularity, type and orientation
  • A “lean back” Hangouts experience that’s great for the couch or common room
  • Crisper text, fuller photos and easily-tappable actions like +1 and comment
  • Here a few screens of how Google+ will look on tablets:

    The new photo stream

    Google Details New Google+ Tablet App Redesign

    New ribbon sidebar

    Google Details Google+ Tablet App Redesign

    New hangouts

    Google Details Google+ Tablet App Redesign

    As you can see, Google is designing this specifically for the tablet. The new Google+ for tablets is available on Android today for all. The iPad app with retina display support will come out a bit later. The tablet-specific redesign is also hitting Android phones today. Check it out on Google Play.