
Google Buys Fridge, More Circle Capabilities Coming?

Fridge is a company that, until today, developed technology that made creating a group and sharing within it much, much easier. Now, they belong, or, are joining the Google team. Undoubtedly, the purchase was made with Google+ in mind, and because of that, expect to see more features added the Google+ Circle features soon.

Over at the Fridge blog, the announcement basically informs Fridge users of the change, while whetting the appetite of those who want do more than just read posts from other Google+ Circle members. There’s also a description on the blog of the technology Fridge offers, and what you can expect once Google incorporates it into their exponentially-growing social network:

Simple personal networks that anyone can instantly create to share photos, messages, and events with specific friends and groups

It sounds like Google has definite plans to make G+ more and more like Facebook, instead of the tech-nerd hangout it currently is. There’s also a promotional video detailing Fridge’s technology, which also should give a good idea the road Google+ is determined to travel:

Excited yet? BusinessInsider.com has some more details about what Fridge brings to the G+ table:

Fridge currently has 40,000 monthly uniques. More than 20,000 groups have been formed, where users can share videos, instant messages, pictures, polls and events with close friends.

Are you ready to share everything on Google+ with your circles? Well, after you +1 everything, of course. It sure sounds like these capabilities are forthcoming. The Fridge blog posting also informs its readers that while they won’t be able to upload new group stuff, their data will be safe for a little while:

While you will no longer be able to post anything new to Fridge, you will still be able to download and save your data until Saturday August 20, 2011 at 6pm ET.

Does such a purchase mark the beginning of the Facebook-ifcation of Google+ or is this something entirely different?