
Google Asks: Are We Ready For Robots Who Can Think, Act, And Relate To Humans?

This is the kind of thing many have probably expected Google to build eventually – a robot who can think, act, and relate to humans.

Don’t worry, it’s hardly an announcement for a new robot product, but Google Science Fair tweeted this today:

Google Science Fair didn’t bother providing additional context. I guess they just want us to know that they have robots on the mind.

There are plenty of astonishing (and terrifying) things happening with robots, even without any aid from Google, but it’s interesting to contemplate how robots might fit into Google’s agenda. Considering Google products like its driverless cars, Google Glass and Google Now, I’m sure you can envision some thought-provoking concepts.

As far as I can tell, no recent Google Science Fair winners had robot-related projects. Winning projects included: Global Neural Network Cloud Service for Breast Cancer (the grand prize winner), Improving the Music Experience for People with Hearing Loss Using Multi-Frequency Tactile Sound, The Hidden Life of Water, and Unique Simplified Hydroponic Methods; Can The Method be Adapted for Poor Swazi Subsistence Farmers?.

Perhaps the tweet is a challenge for participants.

Image: Terminator 2: Judgment Day