
Google Apps Status Dashboard Gets an Update

Google has made some changes to the Apps Status Dashboard – the site that shows outages and downtime of Google products, with descriptions of the issues at hand.

Now, it shows more of a timeline format that is updated as time goes on, as opposed to the previous version, which showed day-by-day issues.

Status Dashboard  

“The new dashboard shows only service disruptions and outages,” explains Google Site Reliability Engineer Manager Sumeet Pannu. “The size of the dot will indicate the length of outage and the color will indicate the severity. The dot to the left of the service name will show the current status of the service.”

“When you click on one of the yellow or red dots in the timeline, you’ll see a single transcript that will display all the status messages until final resolution—even if the outage spanned more than a single day,” Pannu adds. “There will now be a single URL that describes the issue and resolution for the entire outage.”

Google Mail Downtime 

It looks like September has been pretty good in terms of uptime so far. There were brief outages on 09/07 for Google Docs List and Google Drawings as well as a brief Google Docs service disruption and a brief disruption for Gmail on Friday.