
Google Announces Tools and Resources to Help Businesses Go Global

Google made some announcements aimed at getting businesses to use Google to reach a global audience. These include a new resource site for doing just that, and a new tool called Global Market Finder, designed to help businesses identify markets with high demand for their products or services. 

"Imagine you’re a men’s tailor in Bangkok, and you sell custom suits to travelers passing through Thailand," says Srinidhi Viswanatha with Google’s Global Advertisers team. "You start a website to sell your suits online and begin to notice that the majority of your website traffic comes from overseas. How do you respond to this international demand?"

"Businesses of all sizes face a number of obstacles when they want to expand internationally," adds Viswanatha. "First, they must identify the right market to sell their products or services, such as custom men’s suits. Then they have to create versions of their website and ad campaigns in the language of the market they want to reach. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, they need to reach new customers who may be interested in their products and services."

The new resource site, Google Ads for Global Advertisers, is what Google calls a "central hub" for businesses to find help expanding into foreign markets. The site says that there are 1.9 billion Internet users worldwide, boasting that Google’s search and content networks will help businesses reach over 80% of them. 

On the site, users will find success stories, a step-by-step guide for finding new markets, translating their websites, translating ads, translating their business, and optimizing campaigns, location tips, a translator toolkit, tips for customer support and payments, etc. 

Global Market Finder

The Global Market Finder tool automatically translates keywords into 56 languages, and uses Google’s search trends data to find where people would search for products and services based on that. "It helps businesses evaluate new markets by showing the volume of local searches, estimated price for keywords and competition for each keyword in each market," explains Viswanatha.

Going global is one of the biggest challenges businesses face, so it stands to reason that these tools and resources from Google will become quite popular as businesses look to expand into new markets.