
Google Announces $20 Million Donation To Charities

This week, tens of millions of people are resuming their normal work/school habits, perhaps packing up holiday decorations and definitely returning to less-than-merry states of mind.  But Google’s not quite through being cheery, as the company announced this morning that it’s donating $20 million to charity.

This may or may not sound familiar, as Google’s actually making a habit of giving away $20 million.  The same time last year, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Reporters Without Borders, and the World Wildlife Fund, along with Feeding America, the Mango Tree, and Save the Children, all received portions of an identical lump sum.

This time around, the money will instead go to APC.org, ASHOKA, the Bharti Foundation, Connecting Up, Global Strategies for HIV Prevention, LASA, NatureBridge, NPTech, and NTEN.

Google explained the act by stating in an email, "Thanks to you, this holiday season Google is able to donate $20 million to charitable organizations around the world.  They in turn will help improve the lives of over 50 million people."

Google also said, "Thank you for being a part of what Google is today.  All this is possible because of you."

A video’s available if you’d like a little more information.  Meanwhile, a hat tip goes to Barry Schwartz.