
Google Adds Improved Voice Search, Reminders, Etc. To iOS Search App

Google has launched an update to the Google Search app for iPhone and iPad bringing it more up to par with the Android experience.

The new version will send users notifications when there’s stuff Google deems important for them to need to know. It also includes the ability to set reminders so you can notified when you’re near the location for a particular task.

iPhone reminders

The user can say, “OK Google, remind me to mail the checks when I get home,” for example, and Google will send a notification when you’re near your house.

“Reminders can also be handy for keeping up with your favorite entertainment,” says software engineer Ian Wilkinson. “Search for movies, albums, actors or artists, and click on ‘Remind me’ — Google Now will let you know when a new movie is about to debut or your favorite band has a new album.”

Google Reminders

“You no longer need to comb through email to find an upcoming flight’s boarding pass or the tickets to your next movie or concert,” he adds. “The updated app will simply show you a Google Now card with your tickets when you arrive at the theatre or airport.”

They have also made voice search improvements, so you can say, “OK Google…” and ask any question you want when the app is open, and Google will attempt to answer your question. Have fun comparing Google’s performance vs. Siri’s.

The updated app is available globally, but the “OK, Google” commands and reminders are only in English right now.

Images: Google