
Google Adds Callout Extension Support To AdWords API

Google announced new “callout extension” support in the AdWords API. The company introduced callout extensions for its ads earlier this month.

In a quick note on the Google Ads Developer blog, Ray Tsang from the AdWords API Team says:

Starting today, all AdWords API versions can now manage callouts using the existing Feed API, similar to other feeds.

Feeds for callouts are mapped to feed placeholder type 17, with only one string field. See the feed placeholder documentation for more information.

Callout extensions enable businesses to add text to their ads highlighting specific info about their products and services. They can be used to draw attention to important details about products or highlight what makes the business stand out from its competitors.

Google said on September 3rd that the feature was beginning its roll out, and that it would be available to all advertisers within the coming weeks. It’s unclear if the roll-out has completely finished yet.

Image via Google