
Give Your Smartphone The Iron Throne Its Always Deserved

Are you sick of your iPhone 5 not having a dock to sit comfortably in? Are you a huge Game of Thrones fan? If you answered yes to both, this latest 3D printed creation may be just for you.

Instructables user mstyle183 has recreated a miniature Iron Throne that will comfortably seat an iPhone 5 or other mobile devices. The beauty of 3D printing is that the creator can adjust the size of the dock on the fly for any type of phone without changing the overall design.

Check out a few pictures of the dock complete with iPhone 5:



You can download the dock’s design from its Instructables page. If you don’t have a 3D printer, you can purchase it from the creator’s Web site for $49.99.

[h/t: 3ders]