
Giant iPad/iPhone Touch Display, Flash Player 11 & Android-Controlled Cars


There are some pretty interesting clips in today’s round-up. I think the face-swapping program takes the cake though. Imagine how good this technology could be in another year. Get ready for impostors to infiltrate your video chats and “hangouts”.

View other daily video round-ups here.

An iPad accessory that lends a giant touch screen to your iPhone/iPad:

And here’s the 23-inch Android MegaPad (via Gizmodo):

Tankbot – an Android smart phone controlled car:

NMA task on the Netflix ordeal:

Adobe introduced FlashPlayer 11 and AIR 3. Here is a look at some features:

Another look at the face-swapping tech we looked at yesterday. Still cool:

Face Substitution from Kyle McDonald on Vimeo.

Google talks about how reconsideration requests work. It’s a webmaster help video answering a question from user “Matt Cutts”:

Another Google multi-platform advertising case study for Reebok & Carat:

The latest “Google story”:

Google shared this video on the Official Google Blog today in a post about a 67-year reunion of wartime survivors, inspired by Google Books:

A “YouTube Talk” with Jonah Hill about Moneyball at the YouTube headquarters:

BankSimple, the startup that’s supposed to disrupt the banking industry has provided a first look at the product:

BankSimple Demo from BankSimple on Vimeo.

WebProNews interviewed the CEO and co-founder fo Bloggers Compete:

A screenshot app for BlackBerry:

Google interns talk about their “summer at Google”:

Vimeo has a new music store:

Introducing Vimeo Music Store from Andrea Allen on Vimeo.