
Fran Drescher and Pop Singer Make Broadway Debut

For those who love Fran Drescher for her wacky sense of humor and distinctive voice and laugh, they’ll be happy to hear that she’s making her Broadway debut, with pop singer Carly Rae Jepsen, of “Call Me Maybe” fame.

The two of them will star in “Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella,” where Drescher will be playing Jepson’s wicked stepmother.

In a recent interview, the ex-“Nanny” star said that her and Jepson have been getting along famously, which has something to do with Jepsen being from Canada, says Drescher. “Canadians are such sweet people, aren’t they? They have no edge,” she said.

In addition, Drescher says that acting in a Broadway play is nerve racking, but she sees it as a wonderful challenge and plans to embrace it wholeheartedly. “People should always push themselves to feel the butterflies in the stomach, to get nervous, to learn something you didn’t know before,” she says.

And she attributes this never-be-scared-off-attitude with being a rape and a cancer survivor. “I’m a victim of a violent crime,” she noted. “I was raped at gunpoint. I’m a cancer survivor. I went through a very painful divorce. Life hands you blows. No one leaves this planet unscathed. But, as they say, that which doesn’t kill us makes us strong. No one’s going to die if I flub a line. I’ll try my best. I’ll give my all and I’ll do it with great love and passion.”

Drescher also says she’ll put her own spin on the role of Cinderella’s stepmother, and instead of playing her the traditional way– all mean, nasty and ugly–she’ll play her much differently, and compete with Cinderella in the beauty department. “My version of the wicked stepmother is going to be very self-absorbed, very confident, very much a diva in her own mind, very glamorous and beautiful.

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