
Fox News / Google Debate Available on YouTube, Asking For Your Feedback

Last night’s Fox News / Google Debate featured questions from YouTube users all over the country. The candidates were asked more than a dozen of the top-voted questions throughout the night, which saw Bachmann and Perry spar on the HPV vaccine, Ron Paul talk about abortion and Herman Cain talk about overcoming colon cancer.

All of those exchanges are now available on the Fox News YouTube Channel, as are dozens of other clips from last night’s debate. All in all, 39 clips are available to watch.

The official YouTube Blog has a post today talking about last night’s debate. In the post, they ask you to continue talking about the candidates’ performances on the Fox News YouTube channel. Post your comments and grade the candidates on their responses on certain topics.

In addition to giving the candidates a grade, when you visit the Fox News YouTube Channel you’ll find a “pulse” tab that shows data visualizations based on the debate.

Over on the Google Public Sector Blog, you’ll find some pretty interesting search trends from last night.

For instance, searches for former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson, who was participating in his first debate, spiked all night – well over the frontrunners Mitt Romney and Rick Perry. And every time Herman Cain mentioned his “9-9-9” plan, searches concerning it skyrocketed.

Also, Mitt Romney’s book “No Apology” was searched more than Rick Perry’s book “Fed Up.”

In case you missed it, you can watch the entire debate below –

What did you think about the debate? Who had a good night? Whose performance hurt their chances? Let us know in the comments.

And remember to also submit your comments to the individual clips on the Fox News YouTube channel.