
Foursquare Surpasses 10 Million Users

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The last time Foursquare released a pretty new infographic detailing their growth and statistics, it was January of this year and they had just hit 6 million users. At that time, they reported 381,576,305 total check-ins and the fun fact that there was one mayor of a Wendy’s restaurant actually named Wendy – in Madison Wisconsin.

Flash forward to the end of March, and Foursquare announced that they had hit 8 million users.

Since then, we have seen the record-breaking 2011 Foursquare Day on April 16th. Foursquare reported 3 million check-ins on that Saturday alone, shattering the previous record of 275,000 single day check-ins.

And now they have announced their greatest milestone yet – 10 million users.

One of the most amazing things about building foursquare has been seeing a tool we designed for our friends turn into something now used by over 10,000,000 people. And, as our community grows larger, we get to build things that start to fulfill out larger vision of the future. Thanks to all of you for supporting us, and stay tuned for much much more.

Along with this announcement, the team released a nifty infographic detailing their growth and some fun facts. For instance –

  • There are 6,230 Sake bars registered in Japan
  • According to check-ins, Target, Walmart and Macy’s are the top retail chains in the world
  • When checking-in, people are more likely to “shout” YAY than UGH.
  • 78,387 Mayorships change hands every day
  • Mike Bloomberg is the only real Mayor who is the Foursquare Mayor of his City Hall

In recent months, Foursquare has expanded their vision with things like NFC experimentation at the Google I/O conference as well as various promotions with Murphy USA gas and 7-11.

CEO Dennis Crowley has discussed the future of the service being one with a more fluid user experience – possibly with things like predictive check-ins, place suggestions and friend location notifications. Are you part of the 10 million Foursquare users? What direction would you like to see the company go in the future? Tell us what you think.

But before that, check out the infographic below –