
Foursquare Now Links to Businesses’ Twitter Accounts on Cross-Posted Check-ins

Foursquare is making a small tweak that could make a big difference for businesses trying to connect with their patrons (and wishing to court new patrons).

Starting today, businesses will be given the option to connect their Twitter accounts with check-ins shared on Twitter.

This mean that your businesses’ Twitter account will be mentioned in check-ins when any user shares that check-in on Twitter.

Up until now, Foursquare check-ins cross-posted to Twitter take on this format: “Blah blah I’m doing this blah blah (at Butter Lane w/ 19 others).”

If a business decides to link their Twitter account, the tweet would mention their Twitter account instead of simply their name. “”Blah blah I’m doing this blah blah (Butterlane w/ 19 others).”

“It’s a small change to help you better reach out to and connect with people who love your business,” says Twitter.

And they’re right. It makes it easier for someone who sees the check-in tweet to find your business.

Foursquare says that if you’ve claimed your business and already linked your Twitter account, this change will happen automatically. Otherwise, head here to turn on the new feature.