
FCC Launches Redesigned Website

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has launched a redesigned website, the first major update in ten years, that features more social media tools.

Visitors to the new beta site can now easily connect with the FCC’s Facebook page, Twitter account and YouTube channel.


“This FCC is empowering consumers and businesses to get the most out of technology,” said FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski.

“The launch of the new FCC.gov keeps us at the forefront of innovation, and delivers on our promise to move at the speed of high-tech change.”

The FCC’s new website was shaped by public feedback and through ongoing conversation with users over the past several months.

FCC Managing Director Steven VanRoekel oversaw the technical development and strategies for the new FCC.gov. His vision for the new site drove the deployment of the site’s cloud-hosted architecture, open source development, and embrace of design techniques drawn from consumer sites.

“Online innovators have built destinations that deliver outstanding experiences, high-quality products and great customer service,” said VanRoekel.

“That’s what consumers and businesses expect online, and it’s what makes the web great. Traditionally, dot-govs have struggled to keep up with rapidly changing technology. The Reimagined FCC.gov is proof that with the right tools and creative thinking, dot-govs can look, feel, and run like dot-coms.”